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The ‘PIP’ study
The ‘PIP’ study

The ‘PIP’ study

23 November 2023 (Last updated: 28 Nov 2023 10:18)

A new study by the University of Leicester concerns decisions about whether a baby should be born late preterm or early term. The researchers say we know little about what input parents would like to have in such decisions or what kind of input obstetricians and midwives think parents should have, but they do know that most do want to be involved in the decision-making, that many women feel dissatisfied with their input and that some of these become dissatisfied with their maternity care overall. They are interviewing obstetricians, midwives and parents about their views and experiences of such decision-making. More information about the study can be found here  and the inclusion criteria here . If you are interested in taking part they would love to hear from you (email or telephone Frances Mielewczyk: or 0116 252 5468).