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Saving Babies Lives - Reducing Stillbirth
Saving Babies Lives - Reducing Stillbirth

Saving Babies Lives - Reducing Stillbirth

5 Dec 2023 10:00AM – 5:00PM

Virtual Online

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Chaired by Professor Alex Heazell, Clinical Director Tommy's Stillbirth Research Centre St Mary's Hospital, Manchester & Steering Group Member, Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle Version 3 this conference focuses on meeting the national maternity safety ambition, to halve rates of perinatal mortality from 2010 to 2025, and implement the Saving Babies Lives Version 3 Care Bundle that was released on 1st June 2023.
The conference will focus on the updated elements of the Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle with an extended focus on the new Element 6 covering the management of pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who are known to be 4-5 times at risk of losing their baby.
There will be a renewed focus on reduced fetal movement and delegates will be updated on practical advice in the implementation of existing elements 1-5 and monitoring adherence in practice.

Organised by: HC-UK Conferences of HealthCare Conferences UK
Phone Number: 01932 429933

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