BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:REaSon Neonatal Meeting 2021 UID:66 DESCRIPTION:Following the success of the 2020 virtual conference and with the ongoing uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic\, the organising committee have decided to run the 2021 REaSoN Neonatal meeting as a virtual event again. During these difficult and challenging times\, a Virtual Conference is the best way to bring our community of Neonatal healthcare professionals together and to grant everyone flexibility in accessing the scientific content while complying with government recommendations. We will continue to monitor the situation and if it becomes possible to include a small hybrid aspect to the meeting\, we will let you know!\n\nREaSoN has evolved over a quarter of a century as a prestigious and educationally rewarding annual conference for doctors\, nurses\, ANNPs\, nurse educators and others with a shared interest in all aspects of neonatology.\n\nWe are looking to hold the event over two days\; Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th June 2021. We plan to use our state of the art events management software which has been updated and improved since the 2020 conference to once again create a fully interactive\, virtual event. The virtual meeting will allow delegates to view educational content\, partake in Q&A and live polling sessions with speakers\, liaise with other delegates in networking groups\, speak to exhibitors\, view poster presentations\, participate in networking and much more!\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20210317T160200Z DTSTART:20210628T150000Z DTEND:20210629T150000Z LOCATION:Virtual END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR